Category Business People

It’s time to nominate an outstanding company or person for their unique contributions to business between Hong Kong and Sweden!

“To promote, study, extend, advance and protect business relations, investments and interests of Swedish and other organization in Hong Kong.”

Who should get the SwedCham HK Annual Award in 2021? 

You can nominate a person or a company. You decide! Some ideas to start your thinking include:

  • Who has succeeded over time, built up a company and given job opportunities to many in HK?
  • Who has made a significant mark on relations between Hong Kong and Sweden?
  • Who has put an outstanding stamp on CSR issues?
  • Who has made a positive contribution to business between China, Hong Kong and Sweden?
  • Who has made a significant contribution to the awareness of environmental issues in Hong Kong
  • Who has …?

Here are some examples of past winners:

2020 – Bamboo Business Communications
2019 – Frantzéns Kitchen
2018 – Daniel Wellington
2017 – Dr.Ming Wai Lau
2016 – Sverige Shoppen
2015 – Scandinavian Airlines
2014 – Boris Design Studio


Please let us have your nomination and a short explanation as to why this person/company should get the SwedCham Annual Award 2021 by email to Christian at no later than Monday, 10th of May.

Thank you in advance for your nomination!

Best regards,

SwedCham HK and the Membership Committee