Category People

The time has come to present our finalists in SwedChamer of the Year 2021. Find out below who made it through the first cut!

As the Chamber is for members, by members, what better than recognizing those who contribute the most and make the Chamber as vibrant as it is?

For the first time ever, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce will give out the award SwedChamer of the Year, which is an annual award to reward our most active members. The winner of SwedChamer of the Year is someone who might have helped the Chamber in promotion, recruiting, or just been an active member!


The motivation for each nominee can be seen below:

Karine Hirn, East capital

Karine has throughout the year been an active Board member with engagement in both the Sustainability Committee, but also as the SwedCham representative in EuroCham. Besides this Karine is constantly promoting the Chamber to her network and thanks to her engagement the Chamber has received two new member companies during the year.

Peter Luxenburg

Peter is an active member of both the membership and the marketing committee. He takes this engagement seriously and has helped us get four new member companies throughout the year. Besides this Peter is one of the first persons to always like the social media posts of the Chamber.

Yongyan Liu

Yongyan is a new member but one that stands out in her engagement. Besides being active in attending various events she has also started a Health & Wellness initiative within the Chamber. Since we are a Chamber by members for members this is the kind of member we need to develop as a Chamber.

Joanne Cheung

Joanne is an active member participating in many of the Chamber events. She is also one of the first to attend one of our classes in the Academy by joining our Swedish Course. Joanne is for sure the type of member who makes it worth the time we invest in organizing events.

Karin Ulmander

A new member since the end of 2020. Still a very active member through engagement in the Events committee. Karin is an active advocate in social media, active in participating in various events, and has also represented the Chamber in the Nordic Championship in Mahjong.

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