Many of our members and friends are spending their summer in Hong Kong, including the SwedCham staff and Board of Directors. We have asked our colleagues to share their thoughts on how to make the most out of a Staycation, Hong Kong Style.
This week’s contribution is from our board member and vice chairman Karine Hirn!
How are you spending your summer in Hong Kong?
”I’ve been working more than usual, but have still been able to take a lovely week off in the New Territories. We went hiking on beautiful trails in Sai Kung East Country Park and kayaking in Ho Hai Wan. I made sure not to check emails and to enjoy each moment of this break.”
Name three things that holidaymakers should not miss out on in the city
”There are many more than three! This summer, I have actually been exploring further Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the surrounding islands thanks to a fun holiday game by @hkalacarte – together with my family.
This took us from taking a ride in the oldest dingding, joining the firing of the Noonday Gun (fired every day since 1860!), biking around on Cheung Chau looking for a pirate’s cave to searching and taking pictures of clues about Hong Kong’s colonial past, painted walls, Bauhinia Blakeana trees, the Monster Building in Quarry Bay – and meeting Bruce Lee!
Always interesting to take another look at your home city and see new things!”
Any tips on how to add some Swedishness to your staycation?
”Listen to Sommar in P1 Sommar and drink some cold blueberry saft while hiking in our unique country parks.”