Category Business

(Update: The Hong Kong government has published a booklet with information on measures imposed to support individuals and businesses affected by COVID-19. For more information, click here.)

To all SwedCham Members and Friends of the Chamber,

Please spread this important message in your organizations and networks at this crucial time for Hong Kong in the fight against COVID-19.

Thanks to extraordinary efforts by all the people of Hong Kong since January, our city has done well to contain the spread of the virus. While the situation appeared to be stabilizing, the past week has seen a turn for the worse, with confirmed cases increasing by more than 90%. Most new cases concern people who have recently arrived from Europe and other overseas locations. In a worst case scenario, this new wave of infections could lead to widespread local transmission, which – in addition to unnecessary illness – might force Hong Kong to adopt extreme measures of the kind seen in some other parts of the world. Nobody wants this to happen.

The recent compulsory quarantine for all international returnees is an important public health measure to quickly identify any imported cases. Another way to keep the virus in check is to continue to display the high levels of civic mindedness that have been a hallmark of Hong Kong’s response so far, in particular in the form of social distancing.

Key habits and measures that all of us in Hong Kong need to practice:

  1. Avoid crowds and large gatherings
  2. Work from home when possible
  3. Wash hands frequently
  4. Wear a mask in crowded places and when using public transport

We are all in this together. As members of the international community, we have a particular responsibility to exercise leadership and set an example whenever possible.

Let’s be smart. Let’s beat the virus. SwedCham is here for you. We look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions or concerns.

Kristian Odebjer, Chairman
Eva Karlberg, General Manager