The winner of this year’s SwedCham Annual Award is Jan Hökerberg & BAMBOO BUSINESS COMMUICATIONS with the motivation:
“Bamboo Business Communications has through Jan Hökerberg been an important and reliable member of SwedCham for many, many years.
Jan and Bamboo have been responsible for producing Dragon News, the member magazine that started in Hong Kong and later developed to a joint-venture between Swedcham and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China.
Jan has been able to balance the input from three different editorial committees and always managed to combine the input into interesting and well written articles, all beautifully laid-out and presented with a truly professional touch.
Bamboo and Jan’s tireless efforts have delivered a product which has been far better and far more professional than other similar member magazines.
Now that the days of the magazine are gone, at least for now, it is a good time to honor Bamboo and Jan for their contributions by awarding them the SwedCham Annual Award 2020.”
Pictured is Jan Hökerberg, Managing Director at Bamboo Business Communications and Katarina Ivarsson, Chairman of the Membership Committee