
Gabriella AugustssonNew SwedCham General Manager, taking on her position in January 2022 SwedCham is happy...
Despite a world where people hardly can’t travel – they can still do business in...
On Tuesday, October 12th, SwedCham co-hosted an event together with the other Swedish APAC Chambers...
For the first time, SwedCham HK will give out the award “SwedChamer of the Year.”...
The results of the Business Climate Survey Earlier this year, Team Sweden asked the Swedish...
We are very happy to see several new initiatives and established committees that are flourishing....
It is with great pleasure that we announce that the 2021 scholars from the Scholarship...
On Tuesday, September 28th, SwedChamHK co-hosted a webinar on sustainable sourcing in the Fashion Industry...
After almost two years without any big events, it was finally time for the SwedCham...