Category Business

The Nordic Chambers of commerce in Hong Kong, including SwedCham HK, is setting up a joint WhatsApp group for CFOs and other financial managers representing Nordic companies in Hong Kong. A previous chat-group has been organized in China and been very appreciated.

The group aims to function as a platform where members can guide each other, ask questions and raise concerns related to their businesses and financial matters. The idea is to connect CFOs and financial managers from different Nordic companies (not within consulting) and serve as a safe network where information can be shared internally.

It will be moderated by us at SwedCham HK, but function rather automatic with the members asking each other questions, raising concerns and communicating. We believe that this an easy and informal way of adding value to our members’ businesses and bringing the Nordic community together.

Would you be interested in joining this initiative? If so, please send an email to and include the following information:

Whatsapp number:

The contact information shared with us will not be shared with anyone outside of the group.