Category People

It’s amazing how fast a year passes by. In September last year, we had the pleasure to welcome our scholar Jennifer Ren Liu to our SwedCham HK team. At that point, we had no idea how extremely talented, hardworking, easy to work with and totally up for learning new things she really is. During this very unusual year, the new team at the SwedCham office has tried to do new things, launch new concepts and create membership value in different creative ways – Jennifer has been a big part of making this successful.

Just to mention one of many things she has done/developed is our new podcast. Jennifer has been responsible for everything from production to editing – this without ever has done this before. Or when she produced our “Christmas at the office” – an almost 4 hour online broadcast with interviews from our Christmas studio, music, Santa Claus etc. Had she ever done this before? No, but she is curious to explore new things and a fast learner.

Jennifer will for sure be missed, by all of us in the office and by many members as well. We are grateful that we have had you in the team this past year Jennifer, and we wish you all luck in the future. The good thing is that we already know that Jennifer is coming back to Hong Kong for an exchange semester during her Master's studies. And when she is done with her Masters I would recommend any one of you who wishes to hire a super talented young woman to give her a job offer quickly – she will not have a problem getting a job… THANK YOU Jennifer for everything you have done for the Chamber.

Jennifer is working her last day at SwedCham on August 6th.


/Christian Bergenstråhle, GM, SwedCham HK

Swedcham Team