Consultancy agreements TENDERS (short notice January 3) for Hong Kong’s Northern Metropolis (NM) development (2024 Policy Address).
The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) of Hong Kong is seeking programme management services to support major projects within the NM, including the Kwu Tung North / Fanling North New Development Areas and the San Tin Technopole. Given the scale and complexity of these projects, they are reaching out to attract worldwide expertise.
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Agreements
Civil Engineering and Development Department, HKSAR
Agreement Title:
Programme Management Services for the Northern Metropolis including Kwu Tung North / Fanling North New Development Area and San Tin Technopole Project – Design and Construction
Closing Date and Time:
12:00 noon, Friday, 3 Jan 2025
Details of Consultancy:
The Agreement is scheduled for commencement in mid-2025.
Consultants Invited:
All local and overseas consultant firms who possess relevant experience are welcome to participate in this Agreement.
Interested consultant firms may obtain a copy of EOI invitation letter and Electronic Invitation Package (“EIP”) for the above contract by filling and submitting the EIP Application Form (see link) to CEDD as soon as possible.
Full details of the invitation are available on the CEDD website:
For any inquiries, please contact Mr. Henry CHEUNG, Senior Engineer of CEDD by calling (+852) 2195 0830 or emailing