Dear SWEDCHAM Members,

We are delighted to announce the launch of Hong Kong News in Brief, dedicated to providing you with Hong Kong news summary. This brief, which is produced in partnership with the communications agency Kreab Hong Kong, will serve as a newsgathering resource, providing you with updates on a wide range of topics, including business developments, regulatory updates, economic trends, policy changes, and cultural highlights. Whether you are a seasoned business professional, an entrepreneur, or an individual interested in the vibrant Hong Kong landscape, this news brief will hopefully cater to your interests and provide valuable insights.

Our initial brief will provide a more general overview of news and events in Hong Kong. However, as the year progresses, we will enhance our content by incorporating insights, other features, and in-depth analysis. Our goal is to offer a well-rounded perspective that goes beyond mere headlines and delves into the intricacies of the issues affecting our members and the wider business community.

As such, we encourage active engagement from our members and welcome your contributions and feedback. We believe that a collective effort will enrich the newsletter’s content and ensure its relevance to your specific needs and interests. Please enjoy this inaugural edition of our newsletter and thank you for your continued support. Read Hong Kong News in Brief– April here.


Best regards,



Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

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