Category Business Jobs

A unique offer to SwedCham members!

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is excited to announce our extended partnership with the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB) and other international Chambers of Commerce in launching the Future International Talent (FIT) programme. The programme will create 100 full-time entry-level job opportunities for young people within the creative industries sector.

Under FIT, the member companies of SwedCham HK will be eligible to offer job opportunities to young people. Priority will be accorded to creative industries, which are popular among young people and a new economic driver of Hong Kong, and creative roles in other industries. If you are not a member yet you can apply for membership in SwedCham to get access to the program.

The candidates must be a Hong Kong identity card holder over 18 years old and a holder of an accredited certificate, diploma or degree obtained in a programme of a post-secondary or tertiary institute with no more than five years of work experience or a to-be graduate.

The recruitment exercises will commence within the first quarter of 2021. Details will be announced in due course.

Eligibility criteria of employer:

  1. be a member of the SwedCham HK;
  2. be a company registered in Hong Kong (including business and NGOs);
  3. be a holder of a valid Business Registration Certificate issued under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310);
  4. has an established physical office in Hong Kong; and
  5. has commenced its current business before 1 January 2020 and is still in operation at the time of application.

Application by employers is open to members of  SwedCham HK only from 15th to 31st of March 2021. Please read through the guidance note before you fill out the application form. The documents can be found below:

If you have any questions or cannot download the documents, please email

Application form: FIT_Application Form


Guidance note: FIT_Guidance Note on Application