Stay connected with Hong Kong and SwedCham even if you are no longer in Hong Kong. Time to launch our new concept "Friends of SwedCham HK", for anyone who wishes to support our non-profit business bridging Sweden and Hong Kong.



Pay by choosing the "level of Friendship" below (1 year or Lifetime).

CAMPAIGN: if you sign up for a Lifetime Friendship before Okt 31st you will get a HKD 500 discount!

Friends of SwedCham - Lifetime Friend: HKD 1,500

Friends of SwedCham - Annual: HKD 500

SIGN UP NOW - click on of the buttons below


Now you can be one of our FRIENDS OF SWEDCHAM HK “ THE CHANCE TO “STAY” IN HONG KONG - EVEN IF YOU LEFT THE CITY” Support us and stay connected to the Hong Kong community by joining “Friennds - 1


Alexander Mastrovito

Arne Dimblad

Beverly Sunn

Boel Evander

Christian Bergenstråhle

Eva Karlberg

Helena Storm

Ingolf Kiesow

Jenny Gip Söderberg

Jörgen Halldin

Karine Hirn

Karl-Gustav Bergström

Lars Danielsson

Mikael Westerlind

Peter Ekelund

Roger Lee

Thomas Kung

Thomas Lagerqvist

Ulf Nordström

Ulf Öhrling