All corporate members of SwedCham Hong Kong - be sure to make your voice heard on the impact of COVID-19 on your business by answering a EuroCham survey.
To better serve and represent the members of SwedCham and other European Chambers the European Chamber of Commerce is conducting a short survey (approx 10 min) to assess the impact of COVID-19 on businesses in Hong Kong.
Please note that the deadline for completing the survey is February 5.
Be assured that the survey is anonymous.
Thank you to all our members that already answered!
Corporate Members of SwedCham are members of EuroCham through our Chamber and thus can partake in the survey.
About EuroCham HK
"Initiated in 1997, the European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (EuroCham) is a non-governmental business interest group. The EuroCham is a ‘Chamber of Chambers’ with its membership comprising of 13 European Chambers based in Hong Kong and 1 in Macau. The appointed representatives of these chambers make up the EuroCham’s Board of Directors."
"EuroCham participates in the International Business Committee (chaired by the HKSAR Chief Secretary for Administration). The committee allows international business associations & chambers to discuss and lobby ‘face to face’ with the Hong Kong Government and its officials. IBC meetings take place 5 – 6 times per year and topics discussed are related to matters affecting international aspects and perceptions of the business environment in Hong Kong."
Source: EuroCham HK