If so…you can and will be rewarded!
In challenging times membership organizations like SwedCham become more important. The main reason for this is that members are part of something bigger – a network where we help each other, we open doors, we inspire…
Now we wish to reward you if you help us to reach out to new potential members? Companies based in Hong Kong or overseas who can benefit from being part of our network. If you help us convince people in your own network to join SwedCham you will until the end of December be rewarded with one ticket per new member to next year’s Crayfish Party. This is usually the most popular SwedCham event each year. If you by any chance do not like crayfish we can fix so that you get a banner on our webpage as compensation instead.
Extra value for the company which becomes a member
The best thing about this campaign is that you can now give your contact an extra value – if they join now (membership 2021) they will get a free membership the rest of 2020. The faster they join – the bigger the value.
This is for sure a win-win-win!
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