Sweden-relatedThe Swedish Institute (Si) recently published its 2023 report on the performance and the sentiments...
Introducing the latest episode of the SwedCham podcast today! For those intrigued by the prospect...
STIPENDIUM FÖR PRAKTIKPLATS VID SVENSKA HANDELSKAMMAREN I HONGKONG Göteborgs Handelshögskolefonds stipendiestiftelse utlyser i samarbete med...
STIPENDIUM FÖR PRAKTIKPLATS VID SVENSKA HANDELSKAMMAREN I HONGKONG Göteborgs Handelshögskolefonds stipendiestiftelse utlyser i samarbete med...
SwedCham member Envac are leading the charge to transform the way we manage waste. Envac,...
June 29th, 2023 Dear SwedCham Members and Friends, As we celebrated both Dragonboat Festival (Tuen...
In remembrance of Mr. Thomas Kung   On October 30, 1986, Thomas Kung signed the...
Dear SwedCham Members and Friends, I would like to thank you for re-electing me as...
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