The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (SwedCham HK) is proud to announce the Carl Silfvén Scholarship available for students at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship will finance one SSE student to work as Young Professionals Coordinator at the office of SwedCham Hong Kong from September 2021 to August 2022. The successful applicant will get the opportunity to gain considerable knowledge of the Swedish business community in Hong Kong and Greater China as well as of the current business climate in Asia.
The Silfvén Scholar will play an active role in the chamber work on a strategic and operational level by working on business related projects together with current chamber staff as well as taking ownerships of marketing and communications related projects. As Young Professionals (YP) coordinator at SwedCham HK, he/ she is expected to develop and enhance the ways for Young Professionals to collaborate with the Swedish and Swedish-related business community in Hong Kong and South China as well as with the international business community. He/she is also expected to find additional and fruitful ways to market the YPs, within social media and alike. The aim is to offer an attractive and valuable YP program, social as well as business related (seminars etc) for YP members. The YP Coordinator works closely with the YP Committee within SwedCham and also with other international chambers.
The scholar will also be required to represent SSE Alumni relations in Hong Kong and China and to work with alumni and fundraising in the area, as well as working with external relations for SSE in the region.
The scholarship is for the amount of SEK 265,000 to cover housing and living expenses in Hong Kong, and an additional SEK 14,000 for travel costs.
The scholarship is reserved for students with a degree from SSE. Applicants must therefore already have a degree from SSE or have completed their SSE degree before the Scholarship period begins in September 2021. An ideal applicant would have the following profile:
- Strong interpersonal and communicative skills
- Business-related work experience
- International personal or working experience
- Strong written and verbal communication skills in English
- Experience of working with Photoshop or InDesign would be considered a merit
An application should contain:
- A personal letter (max. one page, in English) explaining why you should become our next scholar
- Your CV (max one page, in English)
- Grade transcripts
- TOEFL/IELTS certificates, if any.
The application should be emailed with ”SwedCham application” as the subject to scholarships@hhs.se no later than March 05, 2021.
About the chamber:
SwedCham Hong Kong provides a business platform for Swedish and Swedish-related companies and individuals in Hong Kong and South China. It is a membership organization, founded in 1986, and gives companies opportunities to develop business relations and increase business exposure through networking, promotion, lobbying etc. For more information about SwedCham in Hong Kong, please visit: www.swedcham.com.hk.
About the scholarship donor
The scholarship is provided by Stiftelsen Carl Silfvéns stipendiefond, a foundation established through the will of Carl Silfvén in 1914. One of the purposes is to provide opportunities for graduates from SSE to gain practical international experience.