SwedCham HK is looking for the next scholar!
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (SwedCham HK) together with the Scholarship Fund for Swedish Youth Abroad (Stipendiefonden för Svensk Utlandsungdom) are proud to announce a scholarship for a recent or upcoming Swedish graduate from a university in Sweden. The scholarship will allow a young professional to work at the office of SwedCham HK for 12 months during 2023 (starting in the middle of January. The scholarship has a total value of 210.000 SEK.
The successful applicant will get the opportunity to gain considerable knowledge of the Swedish business community in Hong Kong as well an insight into the current business climate in Asia. The internship program offers invaluable professional development, cultural immersion as well as a door to international opportunities.
The scholar will play an active role in the Chamber, on both a strategic and operational level. Working on larger business-related projects together with the other members of Team Sweden - the Consulate General and Business Sweden - as well as taking ownership of marketing, communications, as well as leading projects and events throughout the year.
An ideal applicant:
- Recent or upcoming university graduate, preferably majoring in Business, Economics, communications, informatics, or media from a Swedish University
- Business or Communications related work experience
- Skills in Adobe, Photoshop and in Design is a major advantage
- Fluency in professional English
- Knowledge of Mandarin and/or Cantonese is a merit
- International experience is a plus
- Strong interpersonal and communicative skills
- Versatile and open to learn new things
- Entrepreneurial and team spirit
Please send your application, including cover letter, one-page résumé and grade transcripts to chamber@swedcham.com.hk. Make sure to state "Application, International Trade Scholar" as the email subject.
Please note that the last date for application is October 16th 2022.